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Birthright:book Of Man
By Mike Restick, Read by Adams Morgan, Full Length - New
Audio Book - available in MP3 on CD
Full Length , NEW
Title ID: Y4061
MP3 Format on CD: $24.16
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Birthright: The Book of Man is a brilliant novel of science fiction that carefully constructs a blueprint of mankind's history—social, political, economic, scientific, and religious—for the next 18,000 years.

Since Mike Resnick first wrote Birthright: The Book of Man in 1982, he has emerged as one of the most honored science fiction authors of his time, picking up some twenty-five Hugo and Nebula nominations and awards. He has set twenty-five novels and a novella in the future that was outlined in this book. For those who missed it the first time around, Birthright: The Book of Man is a mind-boggling, all-encompassing science-fiction book. 


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