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David Copperfield
By Charles Dickens, Read by Frederick Davidson, Full Length - New
Audio Book - available in MP3 on CD
Full Length , NEW
Title ID: Y4109
MP3 Format on CD: $43.52
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Of all Charles Dickens's novels, this is perhaps the most revealing, both of Dickens himself and of the society of his time. It is little wonder that Dickens said of it, "of all my books I like this the best; like many fond parents I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is David Copperfield." Certainly Copperfield's experiences-his early rejection, child labour in a warehouse, experience as a journalist and final success as a novelist-are strikingly similar to Dickens's own.

David Copperfield firmly embraces the eternal freshness, the comic delights, the tender warmth, and the ghastly horrors of childhood. It is a timeless tale of a thoughtful orphan discovering how to live and love in a cutthroat, indifferent adult world. 


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