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Dreams Of A Final Theory
By Steven Weinberg, Read by Stuart Langston, Full Length - New
Audio Book - available in MP3 on CD
Full Length , NEW
Title ID: Y4128
MP3 Format on CD: $24.16
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In Dreams of a Final Theory , Steven Weinberg, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist and author of The First Three Minutes , describes the grand quest for a unifying theory of nature-one that can explain forces as different as the cohesion inside the atom and the gravitational tug between the sun and the earth. Writing with dazzling elegance and clarity, he retraces the steps that have led modern scientists from relativity and quantum mechanics to the notion of superstrings and the idea that our universe may coexist with others.

But Weinberg asks as many questions as he answers, among them: Why does each explanation of the way nature works point to other, deeper explanations? Why are the best theories not only logical but beautiful? And what implications will a final theory have for our philosophy and religious faith?

Intellectually daring, rich in anecdote and aphorism, Dreams of a Final Theory launches us into a new cosmos and helps us make sense of what we find there. 


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